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J1 Visa Insurance cost calculator (US Exchange Scholar visa insurance)

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1. Importance of J1 visa Insurance and coverage for dependants


What's the difference between the J1 insurance and other general insurance. Can I just buy insurance for a child?
Thank you,

questionDear Thomas,

The plans that we have listed under J1 insurance satisfy the J visa requirements as directed by the US INS authorities. You can buy insurance for a child, if the child is on a J2 visa (dependant of J1), then you have to buy the J visa insurance plan, otherwise you can buy a general visitor insurance plan.
Feel free to call or email us with any questions or comments you may have.

Customer care
877 340 7910

2. Insurance coverage for daughter on J2 visa

I am a J1 visiting scholar from China. My daughter is visiting with me on a J2. I was wondering if my daughter alone can get insurance coverage as I already have coverage? Your suggestions are appreciated!

questionDear Yang,
Thanks for contacting us with your insurance needs!
The following Two plans have this provision where the J2 Visa holder alone can be covered without J1 Visa holder:
You can get all information about Atlas America:

See the brochure, search the PPO network and buy the policy.
This policy is very popular with international travelers and has many excellent features. In particular, their coverage of "acute onset" of pre-existing conditions up to $100,000 or the maximum of the plan (whichever is smaller) for medical expenses and an additional $25,000 for emergency medical evacuation can put your mind at ease.
Patriot Exchange:

Please let us know if we can help you in any further.

Customer care
877 340 7910
3. Insurance for wife and daughter of a J1 visa holder

questionHello! Good morning,
I am a visiting scholar in America as a J1. I came here at last year and have purchased my insurance for one year. Now my wife and daughter will come here as J2. I want purchase insurance for them. But I don't find the option for purchasing insurance only for J2. Would you like give me some advice for purchasing insurance only for J2? And how can I deal with it?
Thank you very much!

questionDear Xiaofeng,
Thank you for contacting us for your insurance needs. The Patriot Exchange insurance plan offered by International Medical Group (IMG) provides comprehensive insurance for international students (F1 visa) and J1 visa scholars in the USA.
The plan is also open to F2 visa and J2 Visa holders when the F1 or J1 visa holder has been given coverage by the University or Institute or has a current coverage.

Feel free to call or email us with any questions or comments you may have.

Customer care
877 340 7910
4. J1 visa insurance for dependant

My name is Yanping Ma, my birthday is June 12,1974. I will go to U.S as a J1 visiting scholar. I have bought healthy insurance for my son and myself today online.We I obtained the insurance papers
"This insurance coverage, offered by WorldTrips, does not meet the minimum standards required by the health care reform law."
I want to know whether the insurance plan I have bought is enough.
Additional, my husband will obtained J 2 vise as my dependent, and go to U.S during July 25,2014-Aug 8, 2014. He want to buy healthy insurance for his trip. Could we buy for him separately?
Looking forward your response.


questionDear Yanping,
Atlas plan that you have purchased satisfies the requirements for the J1 visa and J2 Visa. We have confirmed this with the Insurance Company. You can purchase this plan for your husband as well who is on J2.
Atlas America:

We will sending an email to the Insurance Company to change the information for your Destination Country.
Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns. Thanks for your purchase!

Customer care
877 340 7910
5. Insurance Coverage for family of a J1 visa holder

I am a fellow in foot and ankle surgery at University of Iowa Hospital and Clinics, Iowa City, Iowa and I have J1 VISA. My wife and my daughter have J2 VISA.
I already got the insurance from my hospital, but it did not cover my family.
So I would like you to help me choose appropriate insurance which can cover basic requirement of J2 Visa.
Only my wife and my daughter need insurance for 1 year. (We plan to live in USA for 2 years)
Between having contact for 1 year or longer contact for 2 years, which one is cheaper.

Personal data.
My wife is 33 years old. Healthy
My daughter 10 months old. Healthy
Could you provide one that can cover maternity and another one that not cover maternity?


questionDear Chamnanni,
Thank you for contacting American Visitor Insurance. For coverage for the J2 visa holders ALONE there is only one policy that will allow that. We regret to inform you that this policy does not have maternity coverage:

If you have any questions please email or call us at 1877-340-7910.

Customer care
877 340 7910

J1 Visa Insurance - FAQ's

1. Which plan is best suited for J1 and J2 Visa holder?

We have many plans that satisfy J visa requirements and work ideally for J1 and J2 Visa holders. Some of the US health insurance plans require the J1 Visa holder to be the primary applicant for the J2 visa holder to be eligible. If only the J2 visa applicant alone needs a plan we have a popular health insurance plan by international medical group (img) known as Patriot Exchange. Please find the details of this plan here:

2. Does the domestic plans cover J2 Visa holders?

While we cannot state whether or not they cover J2 Visa holders completely, they might not meet the specific J visa health insurance requirements as defined by the immigration authorities. The J2 visa eligibility and medical insurance coverage is dependent on the J1 exchange program.

3. Can a visiting foreign scholar come to the United States on a visitor's visa?

Yes, a visiting scholar can come to the US on a B-1 "visitor for business" visa. Under Certain situations a person on a B-1 visa status is permitted by the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service (USCIS) regulations to be reimbursed for expenses, and, under the amended law, can also be paid an honorarium. Visiting scholars who are going to meet all of their own expenses can also come in B-1 status. Getting a B-1 visa does not require any formal immigration document from the University.

To obtain a B-1 visa, a prospective scholar should have an invitation letter from the department with which the scholar will be affiliated, detailing the dates and activities of the contemplated visit, and indicating what if anything is to be provided in the way of reimbursements and honoraria.

4. What can happen if I do not satisfy the J visa insurance requirement?

Following are some benefits that are are covered by the international medical insurance:

The Department of State views health insurance as very, very important! The regulations require that your J program sponsor should terminate your status in the U.S. as a J visa holder if you willfully fail to comply with the J visa insurance requirement.

5. Can a J2 individual purchase insurance

Most health insurance policies available for foreign scholars requires that the J1 visa holder be the primary applicant on the insurance policy. However there is one policy offered by International Medical Group (IMG) which can be purchased only by the J2 visa dependent as long as the J1 scholar is insured by the institution sponsoring the J visa holder. This policy is the Patriot Exchange plan.

The Patriot Exchange insurance plan by IMG is very economical and with many excellent benefits. One advantage of the policy is that if the insured has access to a health center, they only pay a $5 copay (instead of the usual $100 deductible). As a copay, this is payable at every visit, however, even many visits will be cheaper than a single $100 deductible. A disadvantage to this Patriot Exchange policy is that there is no maternity coverage and no coverage for pre-existing conditions. For more details on IMG’s Patriot Exchange, including brochure and pricing, please use these web-links:

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Compare US J visa scholar health insurance cost in 2025

How much does US health insurance for international scholars cost?

The cost of US health insurance for scholars depends on different factors like the age of the scholar, the duration, the medical coverage, the deductible and the co-insurance for the plan. Additionally the health insurance cost in the US for international scholars also depends on coverage for mental illness, dental expenses, hazardous sports, maternity and coverage for pre-existing ailments. The average cost of scholar insurance will be from $31 up to $130 per month. Here at American Visitor insurance we have calculated the cost of health insurance for scholars to help them compare and make an informed choice while buying the plan.

J1 visa insurance cost

J1 Visa Insurance Plans Policy Maximum Deductible Provider Network Cost *
Patriot America Plus IMG $50,000 $250 United HealthCare $56
StudentSecure Smart WorldTrips $100,000 $0 United HealthCare $69
Patriot Exchange IMG $50,000 $250 United HealthCare $74
Diplomat America Global Undewriters $50,000 $250 No PPO $83
StudentSecure Budget WorldTrips $250,000 $0 United HealthCare $103
Navigator Student GeoBlue Unlimited Coverage $0 - $315

* The cost of international scholar health insurance per month for a scholar aged 30 years. Source: AMERICAN VISITOR INSURANCE®

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